- Isn't that your name? What is your name anyway? Hero J. Great? 难道你不叫佛雷德吗?那你叫什么名字?英雄·杰·伟人吗?
- Focusing on your family will help you realize that your job, in the grand scheme of things, isn’t that important. 重视你的家庭会帮你了解到你的工作,虽然有重大的一系列的计划,也不是那么重要了。
- I regret that your name misspelled, this is a clerical error. 我很遗憾将你的名字拼错了,这是个笔误。
- I'm regret that your name was misspelled. This was a clerical error. 我很遗憾将你的名字拼错了,这是个笔误。
- Isn’t that a little 13)dopey to think that, Jacob? 想岂不是有点笨吗,雅各?
- Please make sure that your name, e-mail address, postal address, telephone and fax numbers, and credit card details are clearly filled in. 顾客须清楚输入姓名、电邮地址、邮递地址、电话、传真号码及信用卡资料。
- Your client will appreciate your candor and honesty, even if he or she isn’t that happy about the problem itself. 客户只想要实用的设计,而且在给自己老板展示时颇觉得意。
- Please make sure that your name, email address, postal address, telephone fax numbers and credit card details are clearly filled in. 请清楚输入姓名、电邮地址、邮递地址、电话、传真号码及信用咭资料。
- Please make sure that your name, e-mail address, postal address, telephone and credit card details are clearly filled in. 顾客须清楚输入姓名、电邮地址、邮递地址、电话及信用卡资料。
- It could be as simple as a matter of co-incidence, that your name resembles that of someone else who is being chased by the RCMP. 另外一个好处就是, 如果我的回复出现问题,例如不周全或者不妥当, 那么其他有经验的网友还可以纠正和跟进。
- We learn your name address from China Daily and that your men''s shirts exporters.As ZS item are our line,we would like establishing direct business relationship with you. 大家从中国日报上获悉贵公司的的名目和地址,知道到贵公司从事男士衬衫的出口,由于ZS项目在我公司经营范围内,所以希望与贵公司建立直接的商业关系。
- Your name comes before mine on the list. 名单上你的名字在我之前。
- It that your brother? He's you to the life. 那是你的兄弟吗?他和你长得很象。
- Write your name and address on this pink slip. 在这张粉红色纸条上写下你的姓名和地址。
- I beg to point out that your facts are incorrect. 恕我指出你所讲的情况不真确。
- You may want to say, “What do you mean by ‘the self is vast’ Isn’t that just spiritual claptrap? 你或许想说,“你所说的‘自我是巨大的’不会只是精神上的一句空话吧?”
- Inscribe your name in a book please. 请在书上签名。
- It's good that your plans chime (in) with ours. 你们的计划和我们的相吻合,真是好极了。
- Write your name in block capitals, please. 姓名请用大写。
- Have you got your name on the electoral register? 你的名字已登记在选民名册上了吗?